Промышленные отходы измельчитель и депакетирования машина для утилизации отходов


Food Waste Depackaging System1

Проект анаэробного сбраживания кухонных отходов

Анаэробное сбраживание - это анаэробная биологическая обработка, которая разлагает и преобразует сложные органические вещества в мусоре в простые и стабильные соединения под действием анаэробных микроорганизмов в условиях изоляции кислорода и одновременно выделяет энергию. Выделяемая энергия в основном представляет собой метан. Процесс анаэробного сбраживания включает в себя мокрый и сухой методы. Мокрый ...

Проект анаэробного сбраживания кухонных отходов Читать далее »

Food Waste Depackaging System1

Введение в технологический процесс системы депакетирования пищевых отходов

Система депакетирования пищевых отходов является важной частью процесса переработки отходов. В настоящее время строительство предприятий по переработке кухонных отходов в Китае началось поздно, и пробел на рынке очевиден. Все еще существует большое количество пищевых/кухонных отходов, которые не были обработаны, и есть огромное пространство для роста. Для классификации ...

Введение в технологический процесс системы депакетирования пищевых отходов Читать далее »


SIEDON Waste De-packager Organic Separator

The organic separator De-packager machine DK series developed by Siedon Technology, which specializes in shredder manufacturing, has been verified for many years with excellent effect in separating. Organic Separator Function: Organic materials containing impurities are crushed, and at the same time, most of the organic matter and inorganic matter are separated by screening. By changing …

SIEDON Waste De-packager Organic Separator Читать далее »

Turbo Separator

Depackaging Equipment-Turbo Separator

Turbo Separator, is a cost-effective process equipment that efficiently utilizes centrifugal force, airflow and mechanical action without any additional equipment. The solid-liquid separator comprises a blade and a variable speed shaft. Beneath the variable speed shaft are a number of screen mesh that come in a variety of sizes and designs to suit different applications …

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Depackaging and Dewatering System

Shenzhen Kitchen Waste Depackaging and Dewatering System

With the increasing demand for recycling and harmless treatment of organic waste, more and more enterprises, institutions and municipal authorities have realized the benefits of organic processing of kitchen waste. Recently, a garbage treatment plant in Longgang District of Shenzhen has added a kitchen waste treatment project with a daily disposal capacity of 100 tons. …

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Organic Waste Depacking

Depacker: Depackaging Machine for Packaged Waste

Food waste depackaging machine is a kind of sorting equipment used for centralized treatment of kitchen waste of food waste recycling in large waste treatment center. It is mainly used to realize the automatic breaking of packaged bags and the separation of kitchen waste. Just put the kitchen waste or food waste into the depacker, …

Depacker: Depackaging Machine for Packaged Waste Читать далее »

Organic Waste Depackaging and Separating System

Organic Waste Depackaging and Separating System

The main mechanism and the working principle of the organic waste depackaging and separating system is as follows: a helical blade shaft is arranged in a vertical crushing cylinder cavity with meshes. When in operation, after the kitchen waste/kitchen waste is conveyed into the crushing cylinder cavity, the kitchen waste/food waste which has less fiber …

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Organic Waste Depacking

Разложение органических отходов

Siedon DK series organic waste depacking machine is a good assistant on unpacking the expired foodstuff which have drink inside and packing with plastic, paper, aluminium film, such as packaging beverage, soft drink, bottled water, milk drink. Packing food whose“best-by” date has passed are usually throw away directly as the rubbish. But actually, the packaging …

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organic waste disposal

Organic Waste Depacker And Separation

40% of the organic matter in kitchen waste is wasted. Generally speaking, organic waste has the following uses: The organic waste depacker and screw press dehydration system developed by Siedon Technology can remove food waste from packaging, control the moisture content, and minimize the moisture in inorganic waste to achieve energy saving and emission reduction …

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