Промышленные отходы измельчитель и депакетирования машина для утилизации отходов


How To Deal With Medical Waste? Medical Waste Treatment System

Medical waste includes both medical drug and medical device waste. Medical drugs generally include gauze for patients, expired drugs, animal carcasses, infusion bottles, human infusion needles, infusion tubes, etc. Medical equipment includes toxic, corrosive, flammable and explosive waste chemicals, such as waste chemical reagents, chemical disinfectants, mercury sphygmomanometers, mercury thermometers, thermometers, glass test tubes, etc. …

How To Deal With Medical Waste? Medical Waste Treatment System Читать далее »

organic waste disposal

Organic Waste Disposal

Organic/Kitchen waste is perishable organic waste such as fruits and vegetables, food, leftovers, melon and fruit peels discarded in daily life. Due to the incomplete classification of residents, it often contains impurities such as plastic bottles, plastic bags, glass, metal, wood blocks, and bricks. Before the harmless treatment of kitchen waste, these impurities must be …

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Depackaging Machine

Машина для депакетирования пищевых отходов

Siedon Technology Co., Ltd. has successfully developed a food waste depackaging machine in order to solve the difficult problem of organic matter extraction in food waste. The depacker solves the technical problems of incomplete separation of organic matter and inorganic matter in the project process, serious waste of organic matter and high operating cost caused …

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eps recycling

Polystyrene Recycling Will Reduce Environment Pollution

Online shopping has become an indispensable way of life for modern people. Last year, China’s express delivery business exceeded 20 billion pieces. With the rapid development of the express delivery industry, it has also brought a large amount of express packaging waste. These wastes not only cause environmental pollution, but also waste resources. To please …

Polystyrene Recycling Will Reduce Environment Pollution Читать далее »

Commercial Food Waste Disposal System

Siedon Technology offers food waste disposal system for kitchen waste, organic waste, which is including food waste shredder, waste depacker machine and screw press dewatering machine. How is the food waste disposal system working? Firstly, the collected food waste is put into a waste shredding machine and crushed into particles of 30-50mm size. Pre-shredding is …

Commercial Food Waste Disposal System Читать далее »

medical waste shredding

Утилизация медицинских отходов

Medical waste, also known as infectious or biomedical waste, is any waste that contains infectious materials or potentially infectious substances such as blood. Of particularly concern are sharps such as scalpel blades, needles, glass pipettes, or any other waste material that may cause an injury during handling. At present, the disposal and dumping of medical …

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